Musa. Museo degli strumenti musicali
studi musicali online
studi musicali online
exhibition path

The exhibition gallery

The exhibition path runs through the gallery and the other rooms, guiding visitors to the most valuable and important pieces in the collection, which is arranged in groups of instruments of similar shape and construction.

The first section, plucked and bowed string instruments, is the main section in the collection. Here, "shells, ribs and scrolls" coil and intertwine to form instruments from the great European and Asian traditions in a multitude of models, materials, techniques, performing styles and repertoires. Likewise, the wind, percussion and other instruments are grouped to generate a continuous and constructive comparison of musical techniques and cultures.

The multicultural vision created by the exhibition avoids hierarchies of value, allowing visitors to perceive each instrument as the core of many significant relationships with other instruments near and far. By comparing them, one can grasp the wealth of different types belonging to various European and non-European ‘cultured' and folk traditions or to special ethno-cultural contexts.

The indissoluble link between the instruments and their respective musical worlds can be studied in depth on the Museum's multimedia equipment which rounds out the tour. This allows for richer cultural comprehension of the objects displayed, which are meant to be not only seen, but also connected to performing traditions and hand-crafting techniques.

At the end of the gallery a working luthiery laboratory is visible: the house-luthiers from the museum are often at work here. Next to their workbench a historic section is displayed showing tools from the laboratory of a 1900s luthier: Dante Paolo Regazzoni.

The Forum is destinated to host conferences and musical lessons, but also temporary exhibitions. Here you can explore the online catalogue of the collection and the website, were instruments can be explored following different thematic paths from the "real" exhibition gallery.

Beyond their individual value, musical instruments often provide valuable clues to certain historical periods or cultural traditions. Thus it is possible to reconstruct particular events and to learn about important people in the history of both the Accademia itself and musical life in Rome. Or, one can delve into the idiosyncrasies of different musical traditions as they are reflected in where the instruments came from and when they were made.