Musa. Museo degli strumenti musicali
studi musicali online
studi musicali online

The Museum provides researchers with dedicated workstations for studying existing documentation on individual instruments and on the collection as a whole. These stations can access the online database containing technical specifications and digital versions of documents in the possession of the Accademia and kept in all its archives.

Scholars, performers or qualified instrument-makers can make a request to examine instruments directly. They must know the CIMCIM recommendations on the subject and must accept Museum regulations as described below.

Regulations for access to musical instruments in the collection
Regulations based on the document published by CIMCIM (International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums and Collections): Recommendations For Regulating The Access To Musical Instruments In Public Collections: 1985 -

Scholars, players or qualified instrument-maker applying for a direct contact with the instruments must fully accept and comply to these regulations and to the general recommendations of CIMCIM. Access can be denied or the contact interrupted if there is any reason to believe the visitor will infringe Museum regulations.

An application for an appointment should be made well in advance of the proposed visit.

- Applicants should state the reason, nature and purpose of the examination and should be prepared to produce written references or credentials.
- Where adequate documentation is available through the museum, the applicant should be required to show good cause for duplicating any earlier work.
- Access to instruments may be refused in cases where the condition of the instrument precludes its examination.
- Access to instruments are allowed only under the immediate supervision of a museum staff member.
- All notes, photographs, drawings, etc. made by the visitor should become a part of the museum's documentary record of the instrument in question. The visitor should provide the museum with copies of all such material and sign a written agreement allowing the museum to place it at the disposal of subsequent visitors interested in the same instrument.
- All devices and procedures used in the examination must be non-harmful. Any procedure which is clearly potentially dangerous (for example, the risk of a tool scratching a delicate surface, or the use of force to dismantle an instrument) will be regarded as unacceptable. In case of any doubt about their suitability, permission will not be granted for their use.
- It is forbidden the use of measuring tools made of metal.
- A measuring device should not be slid from point to point, but the contact must be released, the tool moved to a new spot, and brought into contact again.
- Tied frets should not be adjusted; strings and bowhairs, membranes or others should only be slackened under supervision and previously authorized.
- Visitors are not allowed to take samples of instrument materials for analytical purposes unless specifically requested by the museum.